Youth Ministry

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Our Parish is blessed to have many young and energetic members. Through our youth ministries and activities we want to share the gospel of Jesus Chist with all ages.

Monthly Sunday School

1st Sunday of each month @ 10:15am.

All children are welcome to join us for Children’s Sunday School the first Sunday of each month.  Class is held from 10:15AM until after the Pastor’s sermon.  We are flexible and the children can come upon arrival.  Parents are welcome, also.  We study different Bible stories and explore the seasons of the Church Year (Advent, Lent, ….). The children also engage faith formation through songs, Bible verses, crafts, and prayers.  The children will participate in the Children’s Message with the Pastor and later reunite with their families for the blessings and communion during the worship service.  All children have the opportunity to participate in Sunday School and Worship with their families.


In the Lutheran Chruch those who are Baptized are invited to affirm their Baptism through a public declaration of faith, as a reminder of God’s promises to us and our commitment to live in those promises.  Those wishing to affirm their Baptism are invited to participate in a series of classes that will explore major Bible themes and stories, Christian basics, Luther & Lutheranism, and Questions of Faith and Life.

First Communion Class

At the parent’s decision and request, youth are provided instruction and information about the key elements and reasons behind Holy Communion. The instruction takes place in three fun and activity structured learning sessions.

Summer Church Camps

The youth of our congregation are welcome to join youth from other congregations in fun filled, christian based summer camps. The camps are held at Camp Sequanota in Boswell, PA at various times throught the summer. For more information go to

Vacation Bible School

Each summer we gather for a week long emerssion in Vacation Bible School (VBS).  This week is filled with bible stories, songs, skits, games and crafts. This week long VBS has a different theme each year and we wrap-up with a VBS Worship for all 6 of the congregations that are involved so that we can all come share in the joy of the Lord.

Youth Activities

Our Youth are also invited to participate in actvities such as:

Snow Camp, Jr. High and Sr. High Synod Events

ELCA National Youth Gatherings, and other activities.