Activities for the Adults in the Parish
Weekly Bible Study
Thrusdays 6pm @ Messiah
Each week we gather to study the scripture lessons for the up-coming Sunday worship. Bring your Bible and bring your questions as together we explore God’s word as it encounters our life together. This time together allows us to hear the word of God differently during worship.
Sunday School
We have an adult Sunday School class that meets every Sunday before worship at Messiah. All who are able are welcome to come join us in hearing God’s word and learning together.
The choir brings anthems and new hymns to our worship experience.
We love to sing and we would welcome your musical gifts among us.
Laurel Mountain Mission Team
This group of people travels across the country to serve those in need through storm relief projects. Past trips have taken them to Texas, Alabama, and New Jersey.
Bring your tools and your willingness to serve.