Ministry Opportunities

There are many ways in which you can be involved in the ministry of the New Centerville Lutheran Parish. The following are a few examples of the opportunities for both the adults and youth.

In Fellowship

Weekly Parish Bible Study – Thursday 6:30pm
Each week we gather to study the scripture lessons for the up-coming Sunday worship.  Bring your Bible and bring your questions as together we explore God’s word as it encounters our life together.

Seasonal Book Study – Monday 6:30pm
Each year we select two or three books that we would like to explore together. In the past we have walked through memoirs, dug deeper into the Bible, and learned more about our spiritual lives.

We love to eat and feed our neighbors. Throughout the year there are many opportunities to cook, and eat meals together including: Lenten Soup Suppers, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, Easter Breakfast, Fundraiser Dinners, Many More!!!

In Service

Parish Council2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm at Messiah
We work together as a parish to address the business and life concerns of the congregations, community, and world. We are stewards of the financial resources of the parish. We help generate ideas about the business of spreading the Gospel and strengthening ministry in our community.

Visitation Ministers
This is a range of people who provide a ministry of presence and prayer to shut-ins, those who are hospitalized, and those who are in need of friendly conversation. You may find them providing cards and care packages. They also help extend the table of Holy Communion out into the community for those who are in need.

Video Ministry
We record our Sunday worship service and then deliver these videos to those who cannot attend as they would like because of health or mobility issues.

Quilting Group
This group meets weekly for to share in quilting, fellowship, and service. Quilts are donated for various needs: for baptisms, for graduating seniors, for Lutheran World Relief, for Camp Sequanota and other fundraisers.

Food Collection/Distribution
Throughout the year there are opportunities to share in the gift of generosity. We collect money and food items for local food distribution. We also have opportunities to go out to our neighbors and share joy through care packages.

Community Service
We love our community and we help where we can. Each year we assemble Health Kits for Lutheran World Relief to help our global neighbors. Our largest mobilization each year is for the Farmers & Thresherman’s Jubilee to benefit the New Centerville & Rural Volunteer Fire Co. You will find us sharing God’s love at our prayer tent, working at the entrance gates, serving food, displaying equipment, and so much more to share the joy of this community.

In Worship:

Altar Guild
Share your love of worship by helping to care of the sanctuary and setting the worship environment for our community. Opportunities include seasonal decorating, preparing for: weekly worship, Holy Communion, baptisms, weddings, funerals and other communal occasions.

Share your voice and love of reading by presenting God’s word for all to hear in the weekly worship.

Worship Assistant
Share in the leadership of worship by lighting candles, assisting in communion, leading prayers, and more.  It’s not just for kids anymore. Ask the Pastor how you can be helpful.

Share your love of music with others by playing the organ, piano, or other musical instrument during weekly worship services.  Anyone who loves to sing is welcome at Choir. Rehearsal is September – May each Wednesday evening at 7:30pm at Messiah.

Worship Planning Team
This is a group meets quarterly to select worship themes and hymns for each upcoming church seasons.  This group also enhances our worship experience through decorating.