Welcome to the New Centerville Lutheran Parish
We are a part of the Allegheny Synod within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).Samuel’s, St. Paul’s, & Messiah
The New Centerville Lutheran Parish is comprised of people just like you, who experience and struggle with God in our daily lives. We strive to live the good news of God’s Kingdom on earth by praying, encouraging and caring for one another, our community, and the world God so loves.
We believe that worship is an encounter with the Risen Christ that forms us as disciples of Jesus, so that we may live each day in the way of love for the world. The Holy Spirit invites us to experience God’s Grace Active in Love through scripture, prayer, preaching, music, service, and honest conversation together in a beloved community. We share the gift of Holy Communion each week, embodying God’s love given for you, here and now.
We invite you to journey with us on this road of discipleship and spiritual curiosity. We welcome you, your questions, your doubts, your joy, your pain, your gifts, your compassion. May you discover God’s grace active in your life and join your heart and your hands in making this a better world.
St. Paul’sSunday Worship 8:30am |
Samuel’sSunday Worship 10:30am |
MessiahSunday Worship 10:30am |